Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Authenticity on Undergraduate Medical Student Wellbeing


  • Paulina Mazurek



medical education, medical student, medical students, emotional intelligence, authenticity, life satisfaction


Undergraduate medical students are at risk of experiencing burnout throughout their training. The literature has demonstrated that strengthening emotional intelligence and understanding the authentic self has implications for well-being. This non-experimental, cross-sectional study tested the relationship between emotional intelligence, authenticity, and subjective well-being   of undergraduate medical students at an academic health center in the South. A convenience sample of participants varied in gender, race, age, and year of training. Using a correlational research design, findings from the aggregated data supported a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and authenticity for well-being, while controlling for demographic variables. Additionally, the interaction effect of emotional intelligence and authenticity also had significant, and marginally higher, well-being results. Findings from this study offer implications for practice and recommended interventions.


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